Electronic Proceedings of the
ACM Workshop on Effective Abstractions in Multimedia
November 4, 1995
San Francisco, California
Introductory Slides for Session 2: Presentation -- General Models and Issues
- Elisabeth André
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligene
- Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
- D-66123 Saarbrücken
- Germany
- andre@dfki.uni-sb.de
A comparising overview of the kinds of abstraction handled in the
papers of section 2
- Using the Amsterdam Hypermedia Model for
Abstracting Presentation Behavior
Lynda Hardman, Dick C.A. Bulterman
CWI, The Netherlands
- Since Less is Often More:
Methods for Stylistic Abstractions in 3D-Graphics
Antonio Krüger, Thomas Rist
DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken, Germany
- Abstraction, Composition and Lay-Out
Definition Mechanisms in OOHDM
Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Simone D.J. Barbosa
Pontificia Universidade Católica, Brazil
- Abstracting from a Specific Presentation Behavior
- Model for describing different hypermedia presentations and user interactions (AHM)
- Model-based approach for building hypermedia applications (OOHDM)
- Generating Presentations of Different Levels of Abstraction
- Methods for Stylistic Abstractions in 3D-Graphics (PROXIMA)
- Abstracting from a Specific Presentation Behavior
- Compare the expressive power of various authoring systems and document formats (descriptive approach)
- Support incremental design, evolution and reuse (operational approach)
- Generating Presentations at Different Levels of Abstraction
- Cope with mental resources of human viewers by focusing on relevant information
- Cope with computational resource limitations
- Low-bandwidth communication channels (e.g. screen resolution, network capacity)
- Realtime applications (Virtual Realities)
- AHM:
explicit representation of the document structure (structural, spatial and temporal relations)
explicit representation of the contents and the form of a presentation (Which objects are visible, discriminable etc.)
explicit representation of all design decisions
The structure of a hypermedia document is built up of components connected by links via anchors (see the Dexter model [Halasz/Schwartz 94]).
- AHM:
Anchors, links, synchronization arcs
Organization : composite components
Nodes, links, access structures
Organization: navigational contexts
Anchors correspond to parts of a graphics.
Links are dynamically expanded
- from a detailed to a less detailed graphics (via performing an abstraction process)
- from a less detailed to a more detailed graphics (via undoing abstraction steps)
- AHM:
Channels encode high-level presentation attributes, such as font and style for a text, or volume for an audio channel
Abstract Data Views (ADVs) comprise a set of attributes which define the perception properties of an object and the set of events it can handle
Presentation knowledge is encoded by design strategies, graphics generator provides an explicit representation of its encodings via so-called picture descriptions
- [Andre/Rist 95a]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist.
"Generating Coherent Presentations Employing Textual and Visual Material."
Artificial Intelligence Review 9,
pp. 147-165, 1995.
Online document available at URL
- [Andre/Rist 95b]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist.
"Research in Multimedia Systems at DFKI."
Artificial Intelligence Review 9,
pp. 81-84, 1995.
Online document available at URL
- [Andre/Rist 95c]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist.
"Towards a New Generation of Hypermedia Systems: Extending Automated Presentation Design for Hypermedia."
- [Feiner/McKeown 91]
S.K. Feiner, and K.R. McKeown.
"Automating the Generation of Coordinated Multimedia Explanations."
IEEE Computer 24(10),
pp. 33-41, 1991.
- [Halasz/Schwartz 94]
F. Halasz, and M. Schwartz.
"The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model."
Communications of the ACM 37(2),
pp. 30-39, 1994.
- [Hardman et al. 94]
Lynda Hardman, Dick C.A. Bulterman, and Guido van Rossum.
"The Amsterdam Hypermedia Model: Adding Time and Context to the Dexter Model."
Communications of the ACM 37(2),
pp. 50-62, 1994.
- [Hardman/Bulterman 95]
Lynda Hardman and Dick C.A. Bulterman.
"Towards the Generation of Hypermedia Structure."
Proceedings of First International Workshop on Intelligence and
Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces,
Edinburgh, 1995.
- [Isakowitz et al. 95]
Tomas Isakowitz, Edward A. Stohr, and P.Balasubramanian.
"RMM: A Methodology for Structured Hypermedia Design."
Communications of the ACM 38(8),
pp. 34-44, 1995.
- [Maybury 93]
M. Maybury.
"Planning Multimedia Explanations Using Communicative Acts."
Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces,
M. Maybury (ed.), pp. 14-60, 1993.
- [Schwabe/Rossi 95]
Daniel Schwabe, and Gustavo Rossi.
"The Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model."
Communications of the ACM 38(8),
pp. 45-46, 1995.