Electronic Proceedings of the
ACM Workshop on Effective Abstractions in Multimedia
November 4, 1995
San Francisco, California

Introductory Slides for Session 2: Presentation -- General Models and Issues

Elisabeth André
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligene
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbrücken

ACM Copyright Notice


A comparising overview of the kinds of abstraction handled in the papers of section 2

Table of Contents

This Session's Papers

Using the Amsterdam Hypermedia Model for Abstracting Presentation Behavior
Lynda Hardman, Dick C.A. Bulterman CWI, The Netherlands

Since Less is Often More: Methods for Stylistic Abstractions in 3D-Graphics
Antonio Krüger, Thomas Rist DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken, Germany

Abstraction, Composition and Lay-Out Definition Mechanisms in OOHDM
Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Simone D.J. Barbosa Pontificia Universidade Católica, Brazil

Author's and Viewer's Perspective

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What Does Abstraction mean?

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Why Abstractions?

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The Need for Explicit Representations

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Navigation Design

The structure of a hypermedia document is built up of components connected by links via anchors (see the Dexter model [Halasz/Schwartz 94]).
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Presentation Design

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Casting of the Roles

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The Future?

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[Andre/Rist 95a]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist. "Generating Coherent Presentations Employing Textual and Visual Material." Artificial Intelligence Review 9, pp. 147-165, 1995. Online document available at URL http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~andre/papers/ai-review.ps.
[Andre/Rist 95b]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist. "Research in Multimedia Systems at DFKI." Artificial Intelligence Review 9, pp. 81-84, 1995. Online document available at URL http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~andre/papers/site-des.ps.
[Andre/Rist 95c]
Elisabeth André, and Thomas Rist. "Towards a New Generation of Hypermedia Systems: Extending Automated Presentation Design for Hypermedia." submitted, 1995.
[Feiner/McKeown 91]
S.K. Feiner, and K.R. McKeown. "Automating the Generation of Coordinated Multimedia Explanations." IEEE Computer 24(10), pp. 33-41, 1991.
[Halasz/Schwartz 94]
F. Halasz, and M. Schwartz. "The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model." Communications of the ACM 37(2), pp. 30-39, 1994.
[Hardman et al. 94]
Lynda Hardman, Dick C.A. Bulterman, and Guido van Rossum. "The Amsterdam Hypermedia Model: Adding Time and Context to the Dexter Model." Communications of the ACM 37(2), pp. 50-62, 1994.
[Hardman/Bulterman 95]
Lynda Hardman and Dick C.A. Bulterman. "Towards the Generation of Hypermedia Structure." Proceedings of First International Workshop on Intelligence and Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces, Edinburgh, 1995.
[Isakowitz et al. 95]
Tomas Isakowitz, Edward A. Stohr, and P.Balasubramanian. "RMM: A Methodology for Structured Hypermedia Design." Communications of the ACM 38(8), pp. 34-44, 1995.
[Maybury 93]
M. Maybury. "Planning Multimedia Explanations Using Communicative Acts." Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces, M. Maybury (ed.), pp. 14-60, 1993.
[Schwabe/Rossi 95]
Daniel Schwabe, and Gustavo Rossi. "The Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model." Communications of the ACM 38(8), pp. 45-46, 1995.
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