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Naser S. Barghouti and Gail E. Kaiser. Scaling Up Rule-Based Development Environments. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2(1):59-78, March 1992. Also published in Proc. of the 3rd European Soft. Eng. Conf., by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 550.

Catherine Berrut and Yves Chiaramella. Indexing Medical Reports in a Multimedia Environment: The RIME Experimental Approach. In Proc. Twelfth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 187-197, 1989.

D.C.A. Bulterman and R. Vanliere. Multimedia Synchronization and UNIX. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 614, pages 108-119, 1992.

F. Bustio, P. Corcuera, and J. Garcia. Multimedia Environments: Designs for Simulation. Cybernetics and Systems, 25(1):63-71, 1994.

P. Eades, W. Lai, K. Misue, and K. Sugiyama. Layout Adjustment and the Mental Map. Technical Report ISIS-RR-94-6E, Fujitsu Institute for Social Information Science, May 1994.

S. C. Hui, A. Goh, and L. H. Lau. A Multimedia Information System for IC Failure Analysis. Computer Journal, 36(1):96-105, 1993.

Eleftherios Koutsofios, Naser S. Barghouti and Edith Cohen. Improvise: Interactive Multimedia Process Visualization Environment. In Wilhelm Schäfer, editor, Proceedings of the Fifth European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC'95). Springer-Verlag, September 1995. To appear.

K. Lyons. Cluster Busting in Anchored Graph Drawing. In Proceedings of the 1992 CAS Conference, pages 7-16, 1992.

Kanth Miriyala, Scot W. Hornick, and Roberto Tamassia. An Incremental Approach to Aesthetic Graph Layout. In Proc. Sixth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, pages 297-308. IEEE Computer Society, July 1993.

Stephen C. North and Eleftherios Koutsofios. Applications of Graph Visualization. In Graphics Interface '94, pages 235-245, 1994.

Stephen North. Incremental Layout in DynaDAG. In Proc. Graph Drawing 95, to appear.

Garry Patterson, Terry J. Anderson, and Fabian C. Monds. A Design Model for Multimedia Computer-Based Training. In Proc. Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, volume 2. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993.

R.K. Srihari. Computational Models for Integrating Linguistic and Visual Information: A Survey. Artificial Intelligence Review, 8(5-6):349-369, 1995.

Stephen C. North
Mon Oct 9 11:03:00 EDT 1995