Introductory Talk for Session 1: Retrieval and Navigation (Abstract)
Isabel Cruz
Tufts University, USA
Addressing the Contents of Video in a Digital Library
Michael G. Christel
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Integrating Hierarchical Navigation and Querying:
A User Customizable Solution
Renée J. Miller, Odysseas G. Tsatalos, John H. Williams
Ohio State University (RJM) and IBM Almaden (OGT, JHW), USA
Filtering Hypermedia Network by Using View Mechanism
Georges Gardarin, Shim Yoon
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, France
Introductory Slides for Session 2: Presentation -- General Models and Issues
Elizabeth André
DFKI GmbH, Germany
Using the Amsterdam Hypermedia Model for
Abstracting Presentation Behavior
Lynda Hardman, Dick C.A. Bulterman
CWI, The Netherlands
Since Less is Often More:
Methods for Stylistic Abstractions in 3D-Graphics
Antonio Krüger, Thomas Rist
DFKI GmbH Saarbrucken, Germany
Abstraction, Composition and Lay-Out
Definition Mechanisms in OOHDM
Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi, Simone D.J. Barbosa
Pontificia Universidade Católica, Brazil
Introductory Slides for Session 3: Presentation -- Spatial Layout
Joe Marks
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA
The Constraint-Based Layout Framework LayLab
and Its Applications
Winfried H. Graf
DFKI GmbH Saarbrücken, Germany
Effective Presentation of Information through Page Layout: a Linguistically-based Approach
Klaus Reichenberger, Klaas Jan Rondhuis, Jorg Kleinz, John Bateman
GMD/IPSI Darmstadt, Germany
Improvise -- a process modeling interface
with multimedia graph diagrams
Naser Barghouti, Stephen North
AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Introductory Slides for Session 4: Presentation -- Temporal Layout
Polle Zellweger
Synchronization Aspects of an Hypermedia
Presentation Model with Composite Nodes
Guido Lemos de Souza Filho, Luiz Fernando G. Soares, Marco António Casanova
PUC-Rio (GLSF, LFGS) and IBM Brazil (MAC), Brazil
On Synchronized Presentation Management
in Multimedia Database Systems
Aidong Zhang
SUNY Buffalo, USA
Maintaining Temporal Consistency of Multimedia Documents
Nabil Layaïda, Chérif Keramane
INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France
The background of this page is due to Julianne Tolson.