Computer Programming Concepts
Course Notes Main Page


This web site contains course notes for general concepts in computer programming, independent of any particular language or implementation. Some sections contain links to language-specific implementation notes.


  1. This version of these course notes was assembled Summer 2013 by John Bell, for CS 109 at the University of Illinois Chicago.
  2. These notes are not tied to any specific book or reference, unless otherwise noted.

Note: Any topic which does not have a page linked to it, or for which the linked page is unavailable, is under consideration and/or under development, and is subject to change.

Disclaimer: The following note pages are just that - notes. They serve as reminders to myself of what I want to talk about, but not much more. They do not replace the need for students to take their own notes during class, and they certainly do not replace reading and studying the material in the required textbook.

Course Notes, by Topic

  1. Development Tools

  2. Program Development Approach

  3. Data Types

  4. Formatted Input and Output

  5. Library Functions

  6. Expressions ( Operators )

  7. Selection ( Branching, Decision Structures )

  8. Loops

  9. Arrays

  10. Functions

  11. Pointers

  12. Character Strings

  13. Composite Data Types ( e.g. Structs, Unions, & Enums )

  14. Advanced Pointers

  15. File I/O

  16. Writing Large Programs ( Multi-file development, #include )