Electronic Proceedings of the
ACM Workshop on Effective Abstractions in Multimedia
November 4, 1995
San Francisco, California

Design Patterns for Hypermedia Applications

Advanced uses


The advantages of using structural object-oriented modeling constructs in hypermedia are widely recognised. These kind of advanced data modeling approaches provide high level abstraction and composition mechanisms (e.g. classification, aggregation and inheritance hierarchies) with well-defined semantics. As object-oriented methods are now mature we can take profit from both the process models [McGregor94] and the heuristics defined in those methods [Odell94]. We also benefit from the work on views in object oriented databases [Kim 94], which allows us to define navigational models as views of conceptual models, with well defined semantics.

Advanced Uses

Our view in OOHDM, however, is broader than those previously mentioned approaches. First we want to specify systems in which we find dynamic multimedia behavior; besides we want our method to be useful to design a broad spectrum of applications that incorporate navigation, such as CASE environments, decision support systems, etc.; and lastly, we want to use a uniform formalism during the whole life-cycle. Structural object-oriented approaches are not enough for coping with these requirements, so we consider all constructs in our modeling approach (i.e. conceptual classes, nodes, links, interface objects, etc.) to be full-fledged objects that can react to external messages by triggering their own behavior. Considering objects not only as structured, encapsulated records but also as dynamic entities allows us to:


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